envfiles: - cache: "redis6" config: "sha256" db: "mongo44" apimarkers: "not local and not dind" gwdash: master - cache: "redis6" config: "sha256" db: "postgres15" apimarkers: "not local and not dind and not sql" gwdash: "master" distros: rpm: - "amazonlinux:2" - "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi" deb: - "ubuntu:xenial" - "debian:bullseye" pump: - "$ECR/tyk-pump:master" sink: - "$ECR/tyk-sink:master" level: # repos tyk-analytics: level: # branches master: level: # trigger pull_request: level: # testsuite ui: api: schedule: envfiles: - cache: "redis6" config: "sha256" db: "mongo44" apimarkers: "not local and not dind" gwdash: "release-5-lts" - cache: "redis6" config: "sha256" db: "postgres15" apimarkers: "not local and not dind and not sql" gwdash: "release-5-lts" level: # testsuite ui: api: